Check results

  • Run the following script to check if you are always getting responses from Crystal. You can compare these results with the random results from the web interface.
# Define variables #
URL=$(jq < cfn-output.json -r '.ExternalLoadBalancerDNS');
# Execute curl #
for ((i=1;i<=15;i++)); do
  curl --location --silent --header "canary_fleet: true" $URL/json | jq ' .';
  sleep 2s
  • Alternatively, you can run the following script to compare your previous results using the command line. Notice, we are just omitting the canary_fleet header.
# Define variables #
URL=$(jq < cfn-output.json -r '.ExternalLoadBalancerDNS');
# Execute curl #
for ((i=1;i<=15;i++)); do
  curl --location --silent $URL/json | jq ' .';
  sleep 2s