What is App Mesh
App Mesh components
App Mesh benefits
How it works
Start the Workshop... an AWS event
AWS Workshop Portal
...on your own
Create an AWS account
Create a workspace
Create an IAM role for your workspace
Attach the IAM role to your Workspace
Update IAM settings for your workspace
Install the required tools
Clone the service repos
Deploy the baseline stack
Retrieve the SSH key
Run the bootstrap scripts
Deploy the NodeJS Service
Mesh the Crystal Service
Create the service mesh
Create the virtual service
Add the Envoy sidecar proxy
Mesh the NodeJS Service
Install AWS App Mesh Controller For K8s
Create the virtual service
Inject the Envoy proxy
Mesh the Frontend Service
Create the virtual service
Install the Envoy proxy
Monitoring & Logging
Enable CloudWatch Container Insights
Enable CloudWatch for Crystal
Review CloudWatch log groups
Setup Container Insights for NodeJS App
Distributed Tracing with X-Ray
Enable X-Ray for Crystal
Enable X-Ray for NodeJS App
Review traces
Cloud Map Service Discovery
Create a discovery service
Create a new virtual node
Create a virtual router
Update the virtual service
Create a new ECS service
Update traffic route
Remove internal load balancer
NodeJS app with Cloud Map
Remove NodeJS Load Balancer
Ingress with Virtual Gateway
Virtual Gateway Ingress to NodeJS service
Virtual Gateway Ingress to Crystal service
Deployment Strategies
Update the Crystal code
Create a new virtual node
Create a new ECS task set
Create traffic routes
Header Based Routing
Create traffic routes
Check results
Handling Failures
Update the Crystal code
Create a new virtual node
Create a new ECS task set
Create traffic routes
Check results
Cleanup the ECS cluster
Cleanup Kubernetes components
Cleanup the namespace
Cleanup the SSM resources
Cleanup the mesh
Cleanup the ECR repositories
Cleanup the Route53 Hosted Zone
Delete the baseline template
Delete the CW log groups
Cleanup the Workspace
Cleanup the admin IAM Role
What Have We Accomplished
Let us know what you think!
Adding service discovery to EC2 backends
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ECS Workshop
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AWS App Mesh Workshop
In this workshop, we will explore…